
Taking a detour in their travels, Koreen and David took a pit stop down to Orange Beach Alabama last weekend. Where there are beautiful beaches with soft sand and relaxing views of the Gulf Coast. Something we could all agree would be a well deserved respite for our inspiring MS fighting team.

Except. That’s not what they were there for. Because while some would take a break after traveling 1100 miles by foot, Koreen and David spent their time away from the trail volunteering for the Alabama-Mississippi chapter of the Bike MS at their Tour de Beach ride.

The Alabama-Mississippi MS Chapter welcomed Koreen and David into their fold and has been their “home” chapter for the past few years. So it felt right to pause in their ongoing efforts of the Appalachian Trail, to take part in one of their awesome Bike MS events. Together they have taken part in many great events supporting fundraising for MS. In this event Koreen and David were apart of the Iberia Bank Team, who together are one of the largest fundraisers of Bike MS. Of whom, Koreen was recognized as the top fundraiser and admirably awarded as the 2019 Queen of de Beach!

She and David are leading the way, with your support, in the efforts to support a world free of MS.

Enjoying in on the festivities with fellow riders and volunteers in a well deserved break after the ride.

As always, take advantage of the opportunity to support Koreen and David in their fight against MS by donating here.